Makes 2 qt pitcher
1/2 lb. Strawberries
1 1/2 cups Lemon juice (8-10 of medium size)
3/4 cup Sugar
4 1/2 cups Water
1/4 cup Basil
1 cup Vodka of choice (optional)
*Can use regular lemonade of choice to replace making lemon juice and creating sugar water.
Clean a cut stems of strawberries and then puree in blender.
Squeeze lemons to make lemon juice.
Simmer sugar and 2 cups of water into sauce pan then let cool.
Add pureed strawberries, lemon juice, sugar water, and 2 1/2 cups cold water into pitcher.
Add whole basil and let infuse for 2-4 hours.
Set in fridge until ready to serve, add vodka (optional) and ice cubes to chill.
