Inspired by Berry Blendz, the home to my favorite smoothie I have ever had. After almost a year of experimenting, I am finally confident that this is the recipe to beat. Not only is it a refreshing start to your day, but also contains a little bit of caffeine. I also add protein powder from Gainful. I find it difficult to get the daily suggested intake of protein with the lack of eggs, soy, and dairy in my diet so protein powder has become my best friend.

1 cup Oat milk
1/4 cup Oat yogurt, frozen
3 tbsp. Matcha powder
1 scoop protein powder, optional
1 cup Raspberries, frozen
1 banana, optional
Dash of honey
Ice cubes, for texture
Follow directions on matcha powder. Typically dissolve matcha in boiling water to mix.
In a blender, combine oat milk, oat yogurt, and matcha powder and mix.
Mix in protein powder, raspberries, banana, and honey.
Lastly, add ice cubes as needed for texture and thickness preference.